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The SMEC Learning Method

At SMEC, we have a unique, cyclical learning method which focuses on bridging the gaps across the learning continuum for all students. The ‘SMEC Learning Method’ involves three key components: Assessment, Intervention & Consolidation.

The SMEC Learning Method


Assessment is the first step and cornerstone in the SMEC learning method, ensuring that every child receives targeted support and guidance right from the beginning. By using robust UK standardised assessments, our tutors can easily tailor their instruction to meet individual needs effectively. Rigorous and explicit assessment methods allow our tutors to track student progress over time, whilst providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of their own teaching strategies. 


At SMEC, we follow the UK national curriculum and effectively teach to it. We ensure that our teaching materials and methods align with the prescribed curriculum guidelines, objectives, and subject-specific content outlined by the Department for Education.


Intervention acknowledges that each child is unique, with distinct strengths and areas for improvement. Through rigorous initial assessment, our tutors will have identified specific learning gaps and challenges. Now, targeted teaching intervention allows tutors to address these issues quickly, directly and effectively.


By tailoring instruction to meet individual needs, tutors can provide focused support, remediation, and enrichment where required. This approach maximises the child's learning potential, accelerates progress, and fosters a deeper understanding of key concepts. In essence, targeted intervention ensures that tutoring is not a one-size-fits-all endeavour, but rather a bespoke and effective path to academic success.


Consolidation represents the final step in the educational process for your child before repeating the formative and summative assessment processes. 


After assessment and targeted teaching interventions, consolidation plays a vital role in solidifying and reinforcing the newly acquired knowledge and skills. It's the one thing that schools don't do enough of. This phase allows students to practise what they've learned, apply it to various contexts, and gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.


Consolidation is essential for long-term retention and mastery, ensuring that students can confidently and independently apply their knowledge beyond the tutoring sessions. It transforms short-term gains into sustainable academic success, making it an indispensable component of effective learning.

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